Wednesday, January 7, 2009

United or Divided

Matt 12:25-26 Jesus knew their thoughts and replied, "Any kingdom at war with itself is doomed. A city or home divided against itself is doomed."

We survived the election and for many it felt like a loss. But Christians prayed fervently for the outcome at the polls in November and I believe God is in control. Whether we agree with the chosen candidate or not, we must live with his leadership for the next four years at least.

I'm convinced that whoever leads our nation, "our man" or the other guy, we have an obligation and responsibility to be vocal about our desires for our nation. The way to unite with the opposition is to make our voices heard.

What are the values that are important to us as Christians? For me, the right to freely express my faith is at the top of the list. Protecting unborn infants is also at the top. There are a host of other conservative issues that have been under attack by liberals in the past few years such as traditional marriage, home schooling and school choice concerns which are important.

We'll either sit back for the next four years and complain about our country crumbling into the pit of liberalism or we can be active and vocal in expressing our views.

Some would ask, what good will it do? I believe with all my heart that collectively we can make a difference. But only if we speak out en masse. Silent we remain divided. Divided we are doomed to fail. This country needs to get it together. This country is us.

Lord, draw us together according to your plans and purposes, to protect this great nation, to protect the values You've instilled in us, and to protect especially, the promotion of the Gospel and all that message encompasses. In Jesus name, amen.

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