Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Where is Our Hope

If you've been following this blog at all, you know I'm a conservative - might even be called ultra conservative - and my faith is in Christ Jesus.

I received two email messages this morning that forced me to my knees.

The first was from a Christian based conservative political organization. It was a plea for donations to help them initiate a plan to turn the now strongly democratic liberal government around. Every so many lines of text painting a bleak future for our nation due to the coming age of the most liberal president and far left congress ever, there was another plea for money (embedded with a link to the donation page of their website.) As I was reading, the question I kept asking in my heart, "what's your plan and how will it change anything when the left has such a stronghold in our government?"

The next message I read was a daily Scripture from KLOVE radio:
And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you. ~ Psalm 39:7

That, my friends, is providential.

I fell to my knees and began praying for our nation, for each and every Christian to seek Him. Our problem is not in our government. I've been saying this for months and I'm going to keep harping on it because until we admit our sin and get right with God, nothing is going to change. I don't care how much money you donate to how many organizations, they can't help us if we don't help ourselves. Where is our hope? Not in FRC, Focus on the Family Action, Jay Seculo, or any other conservative activist network. Our hope is in God alone. My ONLY hope is in God.

What am I saying? Get the mirror out. What am I doing? I'm looking on the inside. I'm asking God to show me where I've been wrong and guide me along spiritual lines according to His plans. What have I done to further our cause? What more could I have done to make a difference? Perhaps when I felt discouraged that I had no money in the bank to donate to my party of choice, I could have emptied my piggy bank and sent all I had. Would it have mattered? I don't know. What if we'd all emptied our piggy banks? Would an extra ten or twenty dollars from a few hundred thousand of us have better promoted a candidate who shares our Christian values? I don't know but these are questions worth considering.

Now I want to speak directly to those in our nation who put aside Christian values to vote for the first semi-African American President. Ask yourself, with God as your witness, why you did that? Was it because of his color? His heritage? If so, do you see how racist that is? I don't care if your roots are Irish, Latino, Kenyan, British or Native American - if you voted color, not principles, you're a racist.

Does the man you voted for represent Christian values of righteousness, holiness, faith in Jesus as our Savior; protection of the unborn; strength for our military to protect us from foreign terrorists who wage a holy war against our nation; a plan to free people from enslavement to government aid and help them become self-sufficient citizens with purpose and hope?

What are your values? Are your values those God points to in Scripture, or the desires of the world? Where is your hope?

Is your hope in your television, news media, a man in the white house, government aid, or Jesse Jackson?

Is your hope in God?

Get out the mirror and seek the truth about yourself. It's time to turn to God and ask, "am I who You've called me to be? Show me Lord. Open the eyes of my heart!" Repent. Turn to God and seek His kingdom for then everything else will fall into place according to His purposes and plans for us.

If we don't start taking a serious look at ourselves, admit our sins and turn around, I promise you, there will be no blessing for America. We will continue in this moral, ethical, racial, eddying cesspool that is slowly bleeding out the soul of our nation.

I had another thought as I was praying and considering this mess. Those men and women who first emigrated to America to be free of the religious oppression of their homeland, came here to establish themselves in the tenets they held dear. Free to choose their own hearts regarding faith and government. Yet this nation is now becoming the same oppressive machine our founding fathers fled. Whether it's the King demanding we follow the Church of England or the President demanding we have the right to infanticide, we the people are oppressed by governing rule because we have failed to put our hope in God.

There is only one place to flee to friends. As much as I'd personally like to retreat to a deserted island somewhere and start all over with people of faith who are not infected by the moral swill of this perverted land, guess what? Because of our pride, our apathy, our lack of faith, our SIN, in time we would be just as far from God. Our only hope is to flee to the heart of God. Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added...

And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you.

Be still - spend some time reflecting on the nature of God, who He is, what He's capable of, what He desires from you. Don't complicate things as we are wont to do. Just seek Him. When He reveals His simple plan, it's almost laughable. Obey. Get your eyes off the spec in your brother's eye and deal with the pole that holds you back. Look inside. Seek God. Sh, be still.

Our only hope is in God.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Free Speech and the Right to be Evil

Today as I was surfing for some information online, I stumbled across a web site that made me feel like I had been punched in the stomach. This evil person's list of blogs are pointedly anti-faith/anti-Christian and he is a proud member of some evil atheist organization (yes, they actually call themselves evil.)

This man-demon David Rice who calls himself ShyDavid has a page that encourages non-believers in how to "witness" to Christians to smash their faith, using Scripture.

In the United States, we do have the right to free speech. In fact, God gave us free will. We all have the ability to say or do whatever we want. Yet I'm hard pressed to understand why anyone would be so hateful toward people who's intention is nothing but good.

I don't agree with the Jehovah's Witnesses or the Mormons but I don't hate them. I seriously don't agree with homosexuals or people who go out and get drunk. Yet my only responsibility or desire concerning any of these people or others I fundamentally disagree with about life choices is to:

  • Be who I am in Christ no matter what and stand firm in my faith
  • Be prepared to give an account for the hope I have in Christ Jesus
  • Love the sinners where they are even as I pray for and encourage them to see the light
  • Steer clear of their social circles (in so far as fellowship)
Though I believe the LDS and Jehovah's Witnesses are not true believer's but are in fact deceived by those that started their cults, I still have serious concerns for their safety and any Christians who might go door-to-door sharing their faith with strangers. We live in evil times and all are at risk. Should we not go?

On the contrary, we must be obedient to Christ's admonition to go into all the world and spread the gospel. For some of us that means living out our witness at work, school, or wherever we are. For some that may well be going door-to-door. There are numerous ways we reach the world with the truth through visiting the sick, helping a neighbor, offering prayer when the Spirit moves and so forth. No, we must obey. But we must also be wise and prepared.

I wanted to send this demon a message with Scripture from Matthew where the devil tempts Jesus. But of course he gave no contact information. Coward. Not that it would have done any good anyway. His passion against believers is deep and full of hatred. He tells unbelievers how to lure the Christian in and "test their faith."

Here is what the evil one journals regarding door-to-door witnesses: HolySmokeGarbage. This is truly sick stuff and yet I can't help but ask, is he demon-possessed or are the wounds just so deep from some terrible past that he's lashing out at the faithful because of their joy and love? Reading some of this guys other stuff, leads me tohe's damaged goods. He has no understanding of love and mercy whatsoever. But is he pure evil? Only God knows.

Here is Jesus response to Satan, because we must be bold and well equipped, as warned in Matthew 10:16 I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.

Matt 4:1-114:1 Then Jesus was led by the Spirit into the desert to be tempted by the devil. 2 After fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry. 3 The tempter came to him and said, "If you are the Son of God, tell these stones to become bread."

4 Jesus answered, "It is written: 'Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.'"

5 Then the devil took him to the holy city and had him stand on the highest point of the temple. 6 "If you are the Son of God," he said, "throw yourself down. For it is written:

"'He will command his angels concerning you, and they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.'"

7 Jesus answered him, "It is also written: 'Do not put the Lord your God to the test.'"

8 Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 "All this I will give you," he said, "if you will bow down and worship me."

10 Jesus said to him, "Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.'"

11 Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.

Don't enter the devil's lair without the full armor of God (Eph. 6). Never go alone. Always be prepared to give an account for the hope that is in us in Christ Jesus (1 Peter 3:15.)

Heavenly Father, are we facing the end times? As Christ sent the Apostles, have we reached every nation with the gospel? Shall He come again soon to claim us? Then Lord, we ask You to forgive us for our apathy, for sitting on our laurels when we should be urgently sharing the gospel with others. Spur us on in faith to do the work You've planned for us before we were even formed in our mother's wombs.'

Lord, my soul groans for those like the fool who calls himself "Shy David," who are so filled with evil intent toward us who love You. We cannot understand these things but we know people like this belong to the devil; they are full of hate because they have no hope and our hope is in You. If there is any hope for them yet Lord, we pray Your mercy and grace for them, just as You brought the light to Paul when he was persecuting the Christians in Rome. We are humbled that we've been chosen, adopted children, heirs to Your kingdom. Would we be ever conscious that it's not our place to judge. We are called to continue to spread the truth and leave the outcome to the Holy Spirit. Give us a burning desire to go, a holy boldness, unwavering faith, steadfast perseverance, and wisdom at all costs. Let us be wise as serpents but gentle as lambs, cautious, yet courageous. We shall fear none but God, holy and righteous. We pray in the precious name of Jesus, amen.

After all, I eventually found a contact page with an email address. I will send Mr. Rice the Matthew verses in answer to his vile test of Christian faith but it likely will produce no good results. He has a right to choose evil. He has a right to freely speak his mind to the world. He who hates the light of Christ has made his choice.